Jere Dine
Project Support Lead

"It's great to support people to manange their money better"
Hi, I’m Jeredine, I have lived in Newham for most of my life and worked in the private and voluntary sectors for the past twenty years.
My relationship with money has not always been good. In the past, I got a job, rented a place and thought I had it covered, I had money coming in, I spent it. I wanted to buy new things for my flat, but I didn’t have the cash upfront so I went to my bank and they offered me an overdraft, I thought great.
What I found out was that when I didn’t have enough to pay it back charges and interest were accruing making my debt grow bigger. Over time I managed to pay it back but it was difficult.
I am glad that I experienced this, it taught me that although it may be easy to get access to money, it’s not so easy to pay it back. Money A+E helped me to focus and fine tune my financial knowledge and learn new ways to maximise my income.
As Project Support Lead with Money A+E, I’m giving back to my community, sharing my experiences with others and helping them to improve their relationship with money and achieve their money goals.