Hey There
If you're struggling with money,
don't suffer in silence.
Here is what you can do.
Sources of support
Saving money
Check out this guide to keeping household costs lower as prices rise.
Thames Water customer? You may be able to get support with your water bill. Check out WaterHelp and WaterSure.
Give and get free food and borrow and lend household items - all directly from your community. Check out Olio now.
Save money on food with Too Good To Go mobile app. Browse your local bakeries and markets and choose what best fits your needs.
Check out Money A+E’s 4-Step Process for getting your finances under control and working towards your money goals.
UK energy bills remain high. Learn how to save on energy and stay warm.
Even more energy-saving tips. Explore 40 ideas to reduce your energy bills.
Struggling with energy debt? Find out how to apply for a British Gas Energy Trust grant.
Find free, warm, and welcoming spaces in communities across the UK. Warm Welcome Spaces are restarting for Autumn 2023.
Did you know that an estimated £15 billion in benefits are going unclaimed per year? You can check your entitlement using the Turn2Us calculator.
Emergency support
If you are struggling to meet your energy and food costs, you are not alone. You may be eligible to apply for the Newham Money Emergency Support, which is the council's Local Welfare Scheme.
If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to help to buy healthy food and milk.
Have you or anyone that you know recently lost someone? Here is how to deal with debt after someone has died.
Mental health
Finding it all too much? This guide from Mind explains how to take actions to improve your mental health, and where you can turn if you need more support.
MECC Link helps you to raise awareness, motivate and signpost people to help them to improve their health and wellbeing.
Living in Newham and looking for work? Our Newham Work will connect you to vacancies and support with the application process.
Money Boost
Want to make your money go further? Check out our further resources page! We cover topics like saving, pensions and taking control of your money.
How can we help you?
Money A+E provides expert 1-2-1 debt, benefits, energy & money guidance sessions. The service is free, confidential and impartial.
Join one of our courses to gain a wealth of tools for managing your money! Find out how you have the power to save regularly and reach your goals. Our expert trainers are on hand to provide support every step of the way. And best of all - it's free!